Phnom Penh Experiences


Highlights of Phnom Penh

With its storied past, delve into this capital city, featuring the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum, Russian Market and traditional Khmer lunch, then visit the Wat Phnom temple, Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda.

FD, M, T | #JourneseRecommends

Island Community Life in Phnom Penh

A traditional craft, visit Silk Island's weaving village and center to get a close up look at the intricate, handcrafted silk-making process from locals at their looms, followed by a visit to Koh Pagoda temple.


Phom Penh Past & Present

Discover Cambodia's dark history at the Tuol Sleng Museum and Cheung Ek Killing Fields. Learn about the Pol Pot regime, walk the halls of Toul Sleng, a former S-21 prison and pay a moving visit to the mass graveyard fo Cheung Ek. Next, enjoy the Russian Market to shop for wood and stone carvings, jewelry, clothing and Cambodian silk souvenirs.



Discover Phnom Penh

Learn the storied history of Cambodia at Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and Choeung Ek, then shop at the Russian Market before lunch and visit the Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda and Independence Monument.

FD, M, T

BEHIND THE LETTERS | FD: Full-day, 7+ hours | HD: Half-day, 3 - 6 hours | M: Meals included | T: Transfers included | + This age and over welcome

Please ask us for details when booking. Age and weight restrictions may apply; times may vary and may include transportation time. Certain activities might not be suitable for all ages or health conditions. Activities may be available only on certain days of the week. As to activities where alcohol is served, age restrictions may apply. To ensure access to the most in-demand experiences, please book in advance. Prices are per person; private excursions are based on double occupancy based on maximum two participants. Prices are valid for select travel. At the time you purchase your vacation, rates may be higher. Subject to availability and change; certain restrictions and blackout dates may apply. Please ask your Destination Specialist about availability of excursions and COVID-19 health and safety protocols. Clients are responsible for adhering to all government and supplier mandates and guidelines. Not responsible for errors or omissions.

Distinguished Recognitions, Pleasant Holidays Family of Brands